
column radiator
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How are column radiators produced | SUNRADS Manufacturer

Click:257 / Publish:2023-05-29 14:58
column radiators, also known as columnar radiators or column-style radiators, are a popular choice for home heating. The production of column radiators typically involves the following steps:
Design and Planning: The design phase involves creating the desired layout and style of the column radiator. Factors such as the number of columns, column spacing, height, and overall dimensions are considered during this stage.
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Material Selection: column radiators are commonly made of materials like cast iron, steel, or aluminum. The choice of material depends on factors such as heat conductivity, durability, weight, and aesthetic preferences.
Casting or Forming: If the column radiator is made of cast iron, the manufacturing process involves casting molten iron into molds designed to create the columns. After casting, the columns are cooled and removed from the molds.
Steel or aluminum column radiators are typically formed by extrusion, rolling, or bending processes. These methods involve shaping metal sheets or tubes to create the desired column shape.
Finishing: After the casting or forming process, the columns undergo finishing treatments. This may include sandblasting to remove imperfections, smoothing the surfaces, and applying protective coatings or paint for corrosion resistance and aesthetics. Various colors and finishes can be applied to match the interior design.
Assembly: Once the individual columns are ready, they are assembled to create the complete column radiator. The columns are connected using suitable methods such as welding or threaded joints. The necessary valves, pipes, and fittings are also added during the assembly process.
Quality Control: Before the column radiators are packaged and shipped, quality control checks are performed to ensure they meet the required standards. This may include checking for leaks, inspecting the finish, and verifying the overall functionality of the radiator.
Packaging and Distribution: The column radiators are securely packaged for transportation to protect them from damage. They are then distributed to retailers, suppliers, or directly to customers, ready for installation in homes.
It's worth noting that specific manufacturing techniques and processes can vary among manufacturers, and some may incorporate additional steps or variations in the production of column radiators.